Monday, November 6, 2017

What goes on popcorn?

Nutella and almond butter popcorn?


Absolutely, then sprinkle a little salt and tell yourself you are letting it dry before eating as you stand there with a spoon scooping it into your face because then you can make it stir around the pan and coat easier, right?

I used maybe 3/4 cup of almond butter nutella concoction , stirring them into the last bits of the almond butter jar. Which when I microwaved I discovered that the little bits of aluminum safety seal were indeed still flammable when partnered with said microwave. But since both were already goopy it's all good and I only burned a little bit of the container that I was emptying of contents anyway. Move to microwave safe container next time, then it will spread out more evenly across the popcorn.


Sometimes life changes,  big or small.
Best way to engage these changes is with a good yummy start to the day, try it. It's hard to be grumpy after good things have had a one, two punch.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Pumpkins abound

I got the glamour job of pumpkin dismantler yesterday on these two for my mom, came out to about 12 cups of pumpkin for the freezer filling all the muffin desires as well as holiday fixins.

How to bake a pumpkin:
Preheat oven to 400
Cut out top of pumpkin, trust me, way easier, cut in half. Clean out goopies
Place cut side down on baking sheet, for small pumpkins (pie pumpkins) it's about 45 minutes, bigger ones get up to an hour and change
You'll be able to skewer it through the skin and It'll feel like potatoes do. The longer it bakes the less work it'll be so don't be afraid if the edges caramelize a bit
Pull from oven and let cool until you can peel the skin off
Squish with fork or blenderize or squish with fork until it's squish enough to place in bags and then squeeze out the teeny lumps
It smashes just like a sweet potato at this stage so it's honestly super easy even with a fork, just occasionally you get the stray goopy strings. Either pull em out or ignore them 😅
Tadaa, lots of wholesome sort of goodness that can go in muffins/pancakes/soup/curry and most certainly pie!