Sunday, October 29, 2017

Egg and flow

Fifty percent of a good egg drop soup is the broth. I made a whole chicken this week in the crockpot, which lead to fall off the bone meat, which lead to homemade chicken broth from my freezer veggie stash.
Best best idea ever, you wash your veggies before you cut them up right? So put odds and ends of veggies into a freezer bag, label stock to be! Then when you want to make a good broth you have a variety of flavors, can add a few extra pieces or ends. In my case, I never eat onions so I always have whole ones to add to the broth on hand. So this broth had zucchini, mushrooms, onions of a variety of sorts, broccoli stems , carrots, garlic ends plus more as always and probably some other stragglers I missed noticing. Add your favorite spices for a stock and you are good to go, takes no extra effort. I pulled the meat off the bones, left the roast chicken spices that had fallen off in, added a bit extra and added the veggies and walked away for 12 hours, tadaa!
So the other part to egg drop soup is the eggs themselves. Whip them well and they will be the light fluffy bits you get at the restaurants. If you are lackadaisical about this you will get poached egg style clumps. Stir the boiling broth into a whirlpool and very slowly add a steady stream of the eggs. Dont be like me and whip your eggs with a plastic lunchbox fork, this doesn't lead to pretty soups as you can see.

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